The Art & Science of Japanese Scalp Treatments for Optimal Hair Health

Looking to improve your hair health? Discover the transformative benefits of Japanese scalp treatments. This holistic ritual is designed to moisturize and detoxify the scalp, promoting hair growth and relieving stress. Learn why scalp health matters and how Japanese scalp treatments can help you achieve the healthy, vibrant hair you want.

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Maintaining Progress: Why Consistency with Your Hair Routine Matters

Discover why consistency with your hair routine is crucial for maintaining progress with hair regrowth and preventing hair thinning. Learn trichologist-approved tips for nourishing your hair and scalp, prioritizing a holistic lifestyle, trying supplements, and seeking expert guidance. Let’s achieve your dream hair, starting with your routine.

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Growth Goals: Starting An Individualized Hair Regrowth Plan

Many people incorrectly think nothing can be done about thinning hair. Perhaps they’ve been misdiagnosed or offered incorrect treatment options. Or, they didn't stay on a plan long enough to see maximum results. The sooner you address issues with your hair and scalp, the better your results can be. If you’re experiencing shedding, thinning, hair loss, and a dry or oily scalp, don't wait. Get started with your hair regrowth plan today. There IS something you can do.

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Summer Hair Care: Adjusting Your Routines with the Changing Seasons

Summer hair care tips for thinning hair and hair loss. Learn how to adjust your hair care routines to suit the summer season and maintain healthy, beautiful locks. From protecting against direct sunlight exposure to managing sweat and humidity, discover tips on caring for thinning hair or hair loss.

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Unveiling the Best Supplements for Thinning Hair 

As a Certified Trichologist, I'm often asked about the best hair growth products for mild to moderate hair loss. While a healthy diet is essential for hair health, sometimes supplements can provide an extra boost. Here are my top recommendations for supplements to support hair growth, with insights on their benefits and how they can be a part of a more comprehensive treatment plan.

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Thinning Hair-What’s Really Going On?

Discover key factors that cause thinning hair and how to manage it. Learn what genetic, age-related, health, hormonal and lifestyle causes can lead to thinning hair and learn effective strategies to reduce further hair loss.

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5 Signs You Should Seek Hair Loss Treatment

More than 85 million Americans are affected by hair loss. That’s over 25% of the American population, and the experience can be devastating. Understanding the signs and when it's time to start your hair loss treatment journey can help you take action early, preserving your hair — and your self-confidence.

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Why Do Men Go Bald?

There’s an old saying that goes: 20% of men in their 20’s experience hair loss, 30% of men in their 30’s, 40% of men in their 40’s, and so on. As it turns out, research shows that these numbers are now even higher, with nearly 65% of men in their 50’s experiencing some form of hair loss. Uncover the underlying causes of hair loss and develop an effective treatment plan designed to address your specific needs.

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3 Top Tips for Fixing Hair Breakage

Hair breakage. It happens to most of us at one time or another. We don’t usually know it’s happening until it’s too late, and then we're freaked out. Here are some of the most common causes of hair breakage, with 3 top tips to help treat and prevent future damage.

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5 Best Hair Growth Products

When it comes to hair growth, I like to think of the head as a forest and each hair as a tree. Hair that is thick and healthy will grow best from a healthy scalp, just like the tallest, thickest trees will grow from healthy soil. When trying to grow longer, stronger, thicker hair, here are the top products I recommend to promote a healthy scalp and encourage new hair growth.

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Alopecia Awareness Month

You might be asking, what is alopecia and why does it have its own month? Alopecia simply put is baldness. It has its own month because it affects 6.8 million people in the United States and carries a lifetime risk of 2.1%. Alopecia can occur anywhere on the body where there is hair. It is often most visible on the scalp and in beards. Smaller areas of baldness are called Alopecia Areata, and are seen in smaller, specific areas. Alopecia Totalis refers to total baldness of the scalp. Alopecia Universalis is when hair is missing from the entire body. In these cases, the cause is autoimmune related.

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Hair Loss Awareness

August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month! If you’ve noticed that your hair is thinning, your part is widening, or your hairline is receding, you’re not alone. More than 85 million Americans suffer from hair loss. Sometimes people think that nothing can be done about thinning hair, but in fact, in most cases something CAN be done. Early detection, proper diagnosis of the underlying cause and effective treatments can help both men and women restore their hair and regain their self-confidence. As a Certified Trichologist, a specialist in disorders of the hair scalp, I have helped hundreds of people grow thicker, stronger, healthier hair when they often thought it was impossible. If you are experiencing shedding, thinning or baldness, I am here to help you.

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Why Seeing a Trichologist Matters

Recently I had the misfortune of breaking a toe. It was so painful I could barely walk. Having broken a toe before, I knew exactly what to do. I called a podiatrist. He gave me an X-ray, confirmed it was broken, and taught me how to tape my toe to alleviate the pain and so it would heal properly. We debated putting a pin in it, but I opted out of that. Instead, he put me in a boot for four weeks! I’m glad to report that I’m healing well and have been able to work standing up the entire time.

While in the boot, I was surprised how many people asked me what happened to my foot. It’s not an exciting story. I bumped into a piece of exercise equipment, twice! Most people followed up with the same response, saying “Well, I suppose there’s really nothing you can do about it.” I hear this a lot about hair loss too. A broken toe or thinning hair, nothing could be further from the truth!

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Losing Your Eyelashes?

When we think about hair loss we often think of the hair on our head, but hair loss can occur wherever there is hair on the body. When it happens, it can be distressing regardless of where it is. Many women who experience shedding notice more hair on their clothing, in the shower and in their brush. But what does it mean when you suddenly see more eyelashes in your mascara wand or discover a patch of missing eyelashes? First let’s talk about eyelashes and what they do. Eyelashes are filters for the eyes. They protect against dust, debris and perspiration that can enter the eyes and irritate them. They help block out light. They also act like whiskers on an animal and can sense things coming at the eye, triggering the protective action of blinking. People average 90 to 150 lashes on the upper lid and 70 to 80 on the lower lid. The life span of an eyelash is only 30 to 45 days before falling out, one of the shortest of all of the hairs on the body. People lose on average one to five lashes a day. If you’re losing more than that or if a bald spot (alopecia) occurs, it’s time to investigate the reasons why.

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