Maintaining Progress: Why Consistency with Your Hair Routine Matters

Woman shampooing hair

Let’s talk about the importance of consistency in your hair routine! Whether you’re struggling with thinning hair, hair loss, or just want to achieve shiny, luscious locks, sticking to a regular hair care routine makes a massive difference. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why consistency matters not only in what you put on your hair, but also what you put in your body. Sticking to a routine doesn’t have to be difficult or annoying–it’s a proactive approach to maintaining and enhancing the beauty of your hair. And for those facing hair thinning or hair loss, it’s even more important. Read on to find out how you can start and maintain a healthy hair routine that’s perfectly suited to your life.  

How to Start a Healthy Hair Routine: Trichologist-Approved Tips

As a Certified Trichologist with clinical experience, I know what it takes to maintain healthy hair. And I have good news and bad news: there’s no magic bullet for growing shinier, fuller, longer hair (no matter what that Instagram influencer told you!). But it is possible to have hair you’ll love. That’s where the importance of a healthy hair routine comes in. 

To achieve the best outcome, I’d recommend creating a healthy lifestyle, following good hair and scalp hygiene, and starting a personalized hair regrowth plan if you’re experiencing hair loss.

Nourish Your Hair & Scalp

If someone asked you what your daily hair routine is, you might first think about how you wash your hair and scalp. So let’s start there!

What you put in your hair and on your scalp every day makes a difference in the health of your locks. Especially if you’re starting to notice hair thinning or hair loss.

Use a high-quality, research-backed shampoo and conditioner with clean ingredients. And consider incorporating a daily leave-in conditioner into your after-shower routine. These will keep your mids and ends moisturized, and protect the health of your scalp. 

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The PreShampoo, Shampoo, Hair Loss Prevention Vials and Hair Loss Prevention Lotion are now available for auto-replenishment, so you never miss an application.

I’m a big advocate of CRLab’s line of quality shampoos, conditioners, and scalp treatments. Clinically formulated and tested, they nourish your hair and scalp while also working to combat the symptoms of hair thinning and hair loss.

And good scalp health is all about balanced sebum production, moisturized skin, and good circulation. Consider using a scalp cleansing shampoo periodically, and incorporating a quick scalp massage into your hair care routine to promote blood flow.

Create a Holistic Lifestyle

For many people, hair care starts and ends with shampoo and conditioner. But there’s so much more to healthy hair than that. We can apply all the expensive creams and deep conditioners we want, but if we’re not taking care of our physical well-being, we’ll struggle to achieve the dream hair we’re really after.

Prioritize creating a holistic and nutritious lifestyle for healthy hair. How can you do this? Let’s talk about the most important pillars of a healthy lifestyle that will promote hair growth, shine, and fullness. 

  1. Eat nutritious foods.

    Hair is built out of proteins, which are grown and fueled by the foods we eat daily. Lean meats like eggs, chicken, soy, fish, and turkey are excellent sources of protein, which our body needs to sustain healthy hair growth.

    Trace minerals and vitamins in our diet are also essential for creating shine, thickness, elasticity, and fullness in our hair. Make sure you are not deficient in nutrients like Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, biotin, iron, zinc, and folate. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich sources of these vitamins and minerals like spinach, eggs, salmon, avocados, sweet potatoes, nuts, and seeds.

  2. Reduce stress.

    Stress is a considerable factor in hair thinning and hair loss. When we go through periods of intense stress, our hair follicles can speed up the process of growth and loss, making the hair shed more. 

    It is important to find helpful ways to manage our stress levels throughout the day so our health is not impacted long-term. Everyone experiences higher-stress periods in their lives, which makes a daily routine of mindfulness, stretching, journaling, or any other stress-reducing activity all the more crucial. Find what works for you.

  3. Get regular exercise.

    Most of us are aware that exercise is beneficial for strong muscles, cardiovascular health, and overall aesthetics. But did you know it can help promote hair growth? Exercise increases blood flow to the scalp, all while reducing stress levels. By incorporating moderate exercise at least 30 minutes a day, both your body and hair are cared for.

  4. Prioritize quality sleep.

    Last but not least, you should always prioritize good quality sleep. There’s no way around this one! A chronic lack of sleep is often found to be an underlying cause of hair loss. This is due to side effects like heightened cortisol levels (the stress hormone), exacerbated skin disorders, low energy, a compromised immune system, and hair shedding. 

    Sleep is when the magic happens and our bodies restore, regulate, and create. Get a consistent, quality sleep routine going and your hair will thank you for it.

Try Supplements for Hair Thinning

I always say to clients: a healthy, nutritious diet is the best line of defense against hair thinning. But high-quality supplements can provide extra support, especially in tandem with a multi-therapeutic hair loss treatment plan. 

One of my top recommended hair growth supplements is Nutrafol. I like that this supplement is drug-free and multi-targeted, making it great for addressing a combination of issues like hormonal changes, stress, and more. 

Viviscal is another research-backed supplement with impressive clinical results. 

If you need more guidance on what supplements might be useful for your unique situation, you can browse through my expert-approved list of the best supplements for thinning hair. Then conveniently shop for them right online here.

Dealing with Hair Loss? A Certified Trichologist Can Help

If you’re experiencing the distressing effects of hair thinning, shedding, or hair loss, it can feel like a never-ending battle trying to figure out solutions. The internet forums and expensive hair oils have left you coming up short.

What if you could talk to someone clinically trained to diagnose and treat hair loss like yours? As a Certified Trichologist, that’s what I’m here to do. We’ll get to the root causes of your unique situation. Then I’ll get you started on an individualized hair regrowth treatment plan. 

Get in touch to schedule a 1:1 in-person or virtual consultation with me for the best advice on managing your specific symptoms. The sooner we get started, the more likely you’ll get the healthy hair you’ll love.



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