Growth Goals: Starting An Individualized Hair Regrowth Plan

Here’s the truth about hair loss: you can do something about it. There are so many misconceptions about hair regrowth out there, and one of the most damaging is that losing your hair is an irreversible process. This simply isn’t true! Thinning of scalp hair or excessive shedding can be caused by a multitude of factors, not just genetic pattern baldness.

The fact is, hair loss is a complex, highly variable experience. And when it comes to hair growth, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. By getting to the root of your personal hair loss situation, a Certified Trichologist like myself is uniquely qualified to design an action plan for your hair transformation.

The sooner we intervene in thinning hair by identifying the underlying causes and starting an individualized hair regrowth plan in the new year, the greater success we’ll have in achieving the full, healthy hair of your dreams.

Understanding Thinning Hair: What’s Going On?

Is your hair shedding a lot? Noticing bald spots on your scalp? This very distressing discovery might have you wondering, why is this happening to me? 

There are so many thinning hair myths swirling around the internet, that it can be hard to tell up from down. From beauty companies touting their snake oil products as “hair growth remedies,” to stigma about hair loss in women, there is enough conflicting information out there to make anyone feel at an utter loss. Let’s talk about the various factors that can cause thinning hair, beyond just aging.


Genetics is one of the primary factors in hair loss. If male or female pattern baldness runs in your family, you may be genetically predisposed to hair loss.

Nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to thinning or shedding hair. Low iron levels are a common cause, as well as Vitamin D and protein deficiencies. 


Some medications may cause hair loss, including antidepressants, hormonal birth control, and blood pressure medications. Consult with your doctor if you have concerns. 

Hormone imbalances

A hormonal imbalance in women is another common cause of female pattern hair loss (FPHL). Things like childbirth, menopause, or thyroid disease trigger major changes in hormones like DHT, estrogen, progesterone, and androgen. Imbalances can cause hair thinning or excessive shedding.

Intense psychological or physical stress

Did you know stress can cause hair loss? When we live in a state of stress, our bodies produce an excess of the hormone cortisol, which can send our body into fight-or-flight mode and cause significant shedding. This process is known as telogen effluvium – a condition where a greater amount of hairs enter the resting phase and shed too soon.

Hair styling and scalp health

The health of your scalp plays a huge role in healthy, strong hair. Scalp or follicle infections can cause hair loss. Ensure to keep your scalp clean with regular washes. Avoid pulling your hair back in a tight ponytail or bun regularly, as this can cause scalp tension and breakage. 

Why a Well-Designed Hair Regrowth Plan Matters?

You’ve probably discovered by now that hair loss is a complex subject, with so many variables at play. That’s why there is not one single solution or treatment that can be prescribed for everyone experiencing it (if only…). 

But one thing’s for certain - hair growth is a slow and delicate process. The sooner you can consult with a Certified Trichologist to figure out the root causes and decide on a course of action, the better. 

Some types of hair loss can be temporary, especially due to acute stress or environmental factors, but other causes like androgenic alopecia can’t be reversed. In the latter case, we want to slow down or stop the hair loss as quickly as possible, to preserve those beautiful locks for years to come. 

Instead of just feeling around in the dark for the answers, consider consulting with a Certified Trichologist with expert clinical knowledge. We’re committed to getting you maximum results and can put you on an individualized hair regrowth plan that fits your unique needs.

An Expert Approach To Hair Regrowth

Let’s face it–the internet is filled with misleading information on hair. Everywhere you look, another TikTok or YouTube video is popping up about the latest cure-all miracle oil or scalp massage tool. But most of these “solutions” just leave you with an empty wallet and frustrated with the lack of results. 

A Certified Trichologist, on the other hand, is a hair growth specialist with clinical expertise in this very subject. When it comes to rigorous education and proven credentials in the field of scalp and hair disorders, a Trichologist is second to none.

Working closely with a Certified Trichologist can offer a myriad of benefits that can get you the results you want: 

  • An in-depth evaluation. I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, from considering your medical history, genetics, and lifestyle, to taking a holistic look at your symptoms and needs.

  • An individualized hair regrowth plan. There’s nothing generic about hair loss. I will provide a personalized hair growth plan tailored to your unique circumstances, one that gets to the heart of your issue.

  • Evidence-based, clinical expertise. My recommendations are grounded in scientific research and knowledge of hair and scalp disorders. Certified Trichologists must go through rigorous clinical training and education to earn these expert credentials.  

  • Lasting results. My goal for you goes beyond just temporary fixes. I aim to offer solutions that target the underlying causes for sustainable, long-term results.

A Certified Trichologist has the knowledge and tools to address bald spots, hair thinning, excessive shedding, and scalp disorders. We can also guide you towards powerful hairbiotic supplements, and effective hair loss technologies like laser caps

Don’t feel like you have to figure this out on your own. Get in touch to schedule a 1:1 in-person or virtual hair loss consultation with me for the best advice on how to manage your specific condition. The sooner you begin a protocol, the better healthy hair results you can achieve and enjoy for years to come!



Maintaining Progress: Why Consistency with Your Hair Routine Matters


Laser Cap FAQs: Everything You Need to Know for Hair Regrowth