Why Seeing a Trichologist Matters

Recently I had the misfortune of breaking a toe. It was so painful I could barely walk. Having broken a toe before, I knew exactly what to do. I called a podiatrist. He gave me an X-ray, confirmed it was broken, and taught me how to tape my toe to alleviate the pain and help it to heal properly. We debated putting a pin in it, but I opted out of that. Instead, he put me in a boot for four weeks! I’m glad to report that I’m healing well and have been able to work standing up the entire time.

While in the boot, I was surprised how many people asked me what happened to my foot. It’s not an exciting story. I bumped into a piece of exercise equipment, twice! Most people followed up with the same response, saying “Well, I suppose there’s really nothing you can do about it.” I hear this a lot about hair loss too. A broken toe or thinning hair, nothing could be further from the truth!

Thinning. Shedding. Bald spots. Like a broken toe, when hair loss is diagnosed early and treated properly, the results can benefit you over a lifetime. Hair loss can be complicated and often has multiple causes. A Certified Trichologist, a specialist in disorders of the hair and scalp, has the knowledge and the tools to determine the underlying cause(s) of thinning hair. Imagine if you thought your hair loss was just hereditary, but you discovered it was actually caused by a thyroid condition, low iron, a medication you are taking, a vitamin deficiency or a hormone imbalance; something that is treatable and most likely reversible. Wouldn’t you be excited to know that there IS something you can do? Even with hereditary hair loss there are steps you can take to slow it down and grow a thicker, stronger, healthier head of hair. But, success can only happen when you are treating the right problem. This why seeing a Certified Trichologist is so important.

“Yes, there is something you can do!”

Karen Gordon, Certified TrichologistA Certified Trichologist can create a treatment plan for you that truly works! I see many clients who have made a self-diagnosis based on information they found on the internet. They’ve purchased hundreds of dollars worth of “miracle” products that claim to grow hair but don’t work. They’ve lost precious time and hard-earned money in the process. This where a Certified Trichologist can help. Understanding the true cause of hair loss is key to proper treatment and there are no “miracle” cures! As a trichologist, I only recommend products with scientific research and clinical studies behind them.

When I think back about my toe, I wonder what would have happened if I had broken two toes, but didn’t know it? How long would it take to heal? How much pain would I still be in if I hadn’t stabilized my foot with proper taping and a boot? Would I be able to walk in a shoe yet? Now ask yourself, what if your thinning hair is caused by something you can’t see? What if stress, diet, birth control pills, anti-anxiety medications, poor sleep, low Vitamin D, are part of the cause. Wouldn’t you want to know? Would you do something about it? This is why I recommend seeing a Certified Trichologist.

Karen Gordon is a Certified Trichologist, WTS and founder of the Gordon Method of Hair & Scalp Analysis. She is a Professor and Director of Cosmetology USA for the World Trichology Society. To schedule an in-person or virtual hair and scalp analysis with Karen Gordon call (773) 871-0770 or visit karengordonhair.com/contact.


Hair Loss Awareness


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